April 1, 2007

It’s been swell

At one time or another, I’ve thought of giving up this blog. People can be mean or maybe I’m just tired of writing about Swee’Pea and TheMonk. I mean, I can’t go writing about them forever. Right?

I‘ve given this a lot of thought and I think it might be time to stop this blogging thing. Like a good friend of mine once said, “Sometimes you gotta know when enough is enough.”

For what it’s worth, I’ve really enjoyed the past 2+ years of blogging. Of all the things I’ve done in my life, this has been one of the more rewarding. Of course, I hope that Swee’Pea and TheMonk will read back these posts and know that their father loved them with all of his heart. Love is what created this blog.

So, my friends, thank you for going along for the ride. I will be forever grateful for your interest in my little corner of the word.

(As one last gift, I’ve left a message in this post for you. Go back and read the bold letters.)

Perfect Post

Mary P. has been a part of my blogging life from the beginning. I don’t recall how we became connected, but she’s one of my favorite bloggers because she often writes from a slightly different perspective – about the kids she takes care of in her child care setting.

The cast of characters has changed over the years but the personalities of the little ones never stop being interesting. Toddlers, as I’m finding out here, are an interesting group.

Which is why I found Mary’s post “Why I paint” such a great post. It paints a perfect picture (pun intended) of how a two-year-old toddler thinks about trying a new task like painting. This post, to me, is a “perfect post” and I’m awarding her a perfect post award for March.

Take some time to read her post and tell her that Matthew says “hi”.

You can read other perfect post nominees at Petroville and Suburban Turmoil.

The Original Perfect Post Awards – March ‘07

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