December 31, 2012

I resolve…

One year ago, 2012 had yet to reveal what it was to become. 2012 was to be a year of struggles, both professionally and personally. It was also to be a year of personal exploration and the realization that my life is better when I’m surrounded by those who love me and cherish me for who I am.

If you had asked me for my resolutions last year, I’m sure it was along the lines of eating better, exercising more. This year, however – a year later – I am looking at 2013 with a sense of optimism that I haven’t had in a long time. Even with the unfinished business of a divorce and helping my kids adjust to a different life, I am still optimistic that this year will open the door to the rest of my life and I am looking forward to seeing what is behind that door.

I have already so much to be thankful for. I have beautiful, healthy children who I can love and hold and cherish. And I have a wonderful new relationship that I hope continues to blossom and build on the promise that has presented itself so far. I had forgotten how good it feels to be loved.

So with 2012 in the rear-view mirror, I look to 2013 and my resolutions have more to do with internal happiness than anything else…

I resolve to laugh more and stress less.

I resolve to accept the past, honor the present and embrace the future.

I resolve to listen to my heart as well as my mind.

I resolve to be passionate about things that matter to me.

I resolve to do things that scare me.

I resolve to be the person I want to be.

2013, let’s do this.

July 19, 2007

Just thinking…

That when the Daycare provider tells you that all the little boys at daycare are afraid of your daughter that… it’s… it’s not a good thing.

(But it makes me smile, nonetheless.)

June 13, 2004

Dieting Drunk

I was listening to the radio the other day and a commercial for a brand of vodka touted itself as low-carb. I think we’re taking this Atkins thing just a little too far.


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