July 2, 2004

Friday Blahs

Today was a slooooow day. It was one of those days where you actually start looking for work to do. My “to do” list was complete, everyone around me had taken today off for the holiday weekend, and I looked for things to do. I cleaned my desk. I rearranged my desk. I contemplated moving my desk. I finally resorted to downloading interesting things to my PDA. I can now give you a great quote on demand

“If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut.” – Albert Einstein

My calendar now posts holidays for several different cultures and religions (The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz (!) begins on July 6th and India’s Independence day is August 15th).

And I can now do crosswords anytime I want.

Come to think of it, today was pretty productive after all.

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