January 11, 2005

The Cat’s Meow

Nutmeg the cat has been our “baby” for the past four years. We spoil her with love and kitty treats and she has us wrapped around her tail. She communicates with us with a variations of meows that lets us know what she wants.

Andrea and I are a bit concerned how she’s going to adjust to sharing the limelight with two equally demanding babies. Andrea has been playing baby cries that she finds on the internet for Nutmeg to listen to. Judging by Nutmeg’s reaction, I think we’re in for a bit of a transition. But, after comparing baby cries to Nutmeg’s meows, perhaps I’m in for a bit of a transition as well.

Nutmeg helping me with my fantasy football draft

January 9, 2005

Ornamental Mystery

Every year, when I put away the Christmas ornaments off the tree, I find an ornament that I have no idea where it came from.

January 7, 2005

Super Chargers

The San Diego Super Chargers are heading to the playoffs for the first time in 10 years (the last time they were in, they got their butts whipped by the 49ers in the Superbowl - but that, alas, was a long time ago). The city of San Diego has gone CRAZY for the Chargers. While I am a transplant and my allegiances lie with the aforementioned 49ers, the Chargers have been fun to watch this year (and they have the coolest theme song in the league - click here for lyrics and to hear it).

My YMCA is captalizing on Charger mania by hooking up with a company that makes bracelets similar to Lance Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG bracelets. Boltz Bandz are being sold in 7-11 stores throughout San Diego for $3. For each bracelet sold, my YMCA will receive $1.

Local media has picked this up and word has gotten around. I have done one TV interview and the owner of the bracelet making company has done a few others. It’s been crazy but I’m excited about the possibility of making some money to benefit the kids at our YMCA. After all, 90% of all the kids we serve qualify for financial assistance.

Here’s hoping the Chargers win - because when they win, so do the kids.

January 6, 2005

Mighty Morphin’ Power Mommies

Andrea spent the evening looking at women’s on-line photos of their pregnant tummies. I have NEVER seen Andrea laugh so hard. I’m thinking it was part humor part stress - after all, she isn’t getting any smaller.

Here she is at 16 weeks…

Now a couple of Andrea’s favorite photos…

Lady #1 - 29 weeks with twins

Lady #2 - 33 weeks with twins

Lady #3 - 34 weeks with twins

January 1, 2005

Babies R Confusing

We spent the afternoon at the Uber-store Babies R Us.

First, it has been five years since Andrea and I have done the “registering for gifts” thing. That being our wedding. I had forgotten (or more likely blocked out) how thorough Andrea likes to be. There I was, trusty scanner gun in hand, ready to scan cool baby items onto our registry. I never got a chance. It turns out we were only looking - testing out the merchandise before we made a committment to anything. Handing a guy one of those scanners and denying him the pleasure of using it, is down right cruel. I’ll get over the disappointment - Andrea promised we can go scan things next week.

Second, trying to snap baby carriers into a double (tandem) stroller or trying to figure out how this ridiculously long stroller magically folds up with one hand provided a real eye-opener as to what our life will be like with two babies.

I’m gonna have to learn just a little more patience.

The stroller I like - The Graco DuoGlider Travel System Blackwell model (Andrea thinks it’s too masculine looking and it does come in other colors. What do you think):

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