October 4, 2005

I’ve been Tagged

So, I was tagged by Clare’s Dad. The tag says to…

- Go to my 23rd post.

- Find the fifth sentence and post it here. (That’s it…short and simple.)

Okay, here it is:

My 23rd post was just prior to us moving into our first (and current) home. It’s a Top 10 list about living in a home.

Fifth sentence:

5) Guests no longer have to sleep in our living room

Yep! They have their own guest room now (located right next to the room with the crying babies – anyone want to visit?).

Okay, now I have to choose people who haven’t been tagged. I don’t know that many who haven’t been already tagged. Let’s see, if you want to, how about ThDad, Sarah and the Goon Squad, and I’d like to buy a Vowel.


  1. Here’s mine: “That and the average, run-of-the-mill house costs, oh, a gazillion bucks.” My first Hurricane Katrina post (before she hit) where I told my hurricane and tornado stories. I was talking about never having been to or lived in California. (Not that housing prices everywhere aren’t crazy these days.)

    Comment by Becky — October 5, 2005 @ 8:31 am

  2. I’m on it. It will be up later today.

    Comment by Sarah — October 5, 2005 @ 8:41 am

  3. Tagged by Matthew, but not in the dirty way

    Trackback by thDad — October 5, 2005 @ 10:52 am

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