December 1, 2005

Random Baby Moments

A few snapshots of the past couple of weeks…

Andrea is holding Bri and I notice she is looking at Bri’s forehead. I comment, “Hey did you notice she has one hair that is longer than the others? It’s so much longer it extends down her forehead.”

“Yeah, I see that.” Andrea replied.

“You want me to get some scissors to cut it?” I ask.

“No, we can’t cut her bang!” Says Andrea.


Like any father that is married to a pediatric physical therapist, I have been making sure the babies get plenty of tummy time. I usually play with them, shoving their favorite toys in front of their face and then get them to try and reach for them. As the weeks have gone on, I have become more confident and I’ve been working with both JT and Bri at the same time. I’ll usually get one going with some toys in front of them and then go to the other to play. Eventually, I’ll switch to the other baby.

Recently, JT has figured out how to lay comfortably on his belly, with his head to the side so he can breathe. So now, whenever I leave him to start playing with Bri, after a short while I’ll look over and JT will look like he’s passed out after too much to drink. He’ll lie there comfortably with his thumb in his mouth, off in his own little world. I’ll jolt him back to reality by going over and attempting to re-engage him. Often times he looks up at me with a look that says, “Hey, lifting this big noggin is hard work! I need to rest!”


You know you’re getting older when…

After lying next to the bouncy chair and gently rocking your baby to sleep, they startle awake when all of your joints start cracking as you get off the floor.

1 Comment »

  1. “bang”! Singular. LOL

    Comment by Mary — December 2, 2005 @ 1:10 am

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