December 13, 2005

Titus Keegan Blagg

As I mentioned in my Family Traditions post, one of the traditions Andrea and I have nurtured is the presenting of a Christmas ornament each year that symbolizes the year behind us. This year, of course, was all about the twins. Since it was their first Christmas, I decided to go all out on the first Christmas ornament. I ordered each their very own pewter baby cup with their name and birthdate engraved on the front. I also ordered one for Andrea that had both the twins’ name and birthdate on it, as well. A couple of weeks ago the ornaments arrived in the mail. I eagerly opened them. Brianna’s looked great. Andrea’s was great too. Jonathan’s? Well, let’s just say they made a little mistake.

Look for yourself:

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I’m really not sure who Titus Keegan Blagg is. A google search showed nothing. On the other side is a crest that says “Joint Chief of Staffs”. I called the company and they apologized and rush ordered a new one. The lady was at a loss of what to do with the Blagg cup. She said she’d get back to me on that one. I still haven’t heard back. So, if your name happens to be Titus Keegan Blagg, I have a cup to sell you.


  1. Dude. All I can say is — that poor kid! What a name.

    Comment by MIM — December 13, 2005 @ 7:02 pm

  2. This sounds like something that happened to my brother. He had ordered a gift for my brother-in-law’s college graduation and had it sent to my mother (my brother is in the Army and stationed in Germany) this last summer. Instead, a specially-made, engraved keychain arrived with the name “Joshua” on it (my brother-in-law’s name is Evan - big difference). When my mother called the company, they realized that my brother’s order was still in the warehouse and that they’d put the wrong order in the box. Then they panicked, because the keychain for Joshua was supposed to be several states away for a graduation gift. They asked my mother if she could ship it back immediately - she offered to send it directly to Joshua. They were so grateful, and reimbursed her for it later.

    So, be ready - someone may be needing Titus’ cup for a Christmas gift ASAP. I wonder if this is the same company…

    Comment by Deanna — December 13, 2005 @ 11:45 pm

  3. Titus is going to be baffeld at JT’s name on his cup too.

    Comment by Sarah — December 14, 2005 @ 7:16 am

  4. You definitely need to keep that cup for when you want to pretend to be your alter-ego: Titus Bragg, the bald, no-nonsense retired colonel in the marine corps overseeing NSA operations for the entire mid-atlantic region. You’ll slam your fist down angrily on your desk, and take out your pewter mug and quaff the sacred tea of youth and virility made from ground tortoise shells. Seriously, who is named Titus Keegan Bragg? I’m willing to bet that the mug was destined for some sacred use in some Skull & Bones ceremony or something.

    Comment by Dutch — December 14, 2005 @ 11:55 am

  5. How ironic that the last name is “Blagg”. Maybe it was meant for you…

    Comment by Lucinda — December 14, 2005 @ 12:18 pm

  6. That’s freaking funny. I have a funny one too. Last month we ordered my youngest daughters birth certificate through the mail. We received one for a kid named Ricky instead. I was a little pissed that Ricky had my baby’s certificate. But really I wondered who would name their son Ricky as his given name. I can just picture if more people named their child by what they wanted to use as a nickname. My girls would have been Squishy and Beany instead of Maya and Natalie.

    Comment by Melissa — December 14, 2005 @ 2:06 pm

  7. Let’s not get too judgemental afterall we have some charming family names that rival that one. I can’t understand why you didn’t name the kids Finis and Rilla Mae.

    Comment by Grandmother — December 14, 2005 @ 4:09 pm

  8. So funny. Shaking with laughter. Thanks for sharing. Heheheheheheheheheheh.

    Comment by Kari — December 14, 2005 @ 7:28 pm

  9. Titus Keegan Blagg? Dude, that name is STRONG! I like it. It’s not very Korean-sounding but I think I may still have to use it for our second-born child. Hold onto that cup, dude!

    Comment by MetroDad — December 15, 2005 @ 7:57 am

  10. Lucky you checked before Xmas day:-)

    Put it up on Ebay - I’m sure someone would pay good money for that name or title!

    Comment by Mrs Aginoth — December 15, 2005 @ 11:13 am

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