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I have a confession to make. I like comments.
Okay, okay. You’re right. I’m not being totally honest here. I love comments. Love ‘em. It’s like Christmas morning every time I see that someone left me a comment.
This is as good a time as any to bring this up since Cheryl has declared this “De-Lurking Week“. Now over the past several months I have noticed that more and more people are visiting my little corner of cyberspace. I am flattered that you find what I write here interesting enough to stop by once in a while. It probably doesn’t hurt that the kids are really cute.
I am soooo curious. Why do you keep visiting? Where are you visiting from? What’s your favorite cartoon character? What’s your most embarrassing moment? Tell me anything!
So, please, do a guy a favor and leave me a comment. I really don’t have anything to give you (Andrea is certain to nix the “give a baby away” promotion) but this parting gift. Leave a comment and you can advertise on your blog (if you happen to have one) that you celebrated de-lurking week here at
The comment line is now open! Let me hear from you!

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Hmm… Can I get a prize for being the first comment on the post about comments?
But seriously… I keep coming by because I *NEED* updates on what my niece and nephew are up to. Of course the cute pictures help too.
Comment by Aunt Liz — January 11, 2006 @ 11:23 pm
And I come by because I like to look at the pretty pictures of my cousins… They make me laugh. My mommy has to help me work the ‘puter though. You mean I’m not the only one that Grandmother smooooooches like that??
Comment by Tommy — January 11, 2006 @ 11:26 pm
I visit your site because I’m your mother. It’s written somewhere that a parent should attend school plays, band reviews, track meets, soccer matches (in the rain) and the weddings of the children. So, if your child writes anything you should read it. Those are the rules.
I don’t need to tell you anything more about me, you have the CD.
I also visit for the pictures of the babies and if anyone is going to WIN the babies it had better be me, cuz, I’m the mother and grandmother
Comment by Grandmother — January 11, 2006 @ 11:30 pm
Okay, I’ll be the first non-family member to comment… I’m sure that will make you feel better, Matthew. I de-lurked a little while ago, but this was the first site that I actually put my own blog’s location on.
I found your blog via Busy Mom and the Blogger Family Traditions and I thought the kids were adorable. So I kept coming back for more. I have a good friend who is going to be attempting a fourth IVF procedure and has had to consider the fact that she may bear twins as a result, so the Life With Twins category has been very instructive.
Matthew, I think that you write extremely well. I have a journalism degree and I appreciate good writing. I also can appreciate the trials and tribulations of having small children, and the wonder of watching them learn everything for the first time. It’s nice to read about it from a father’s perspective for a change.
And even though your twins are beautiful kids, I’ve got two of my own and I can barely keep up with them as it is, so I’ll pass on the “win a twin” sweepstakes.
Keep up the good work, and I’ll keep checking in from the Great Northwest – where here, in my Seattle suburb, we are in a streak of rain that is now in its 24th day. The roof is holding!
Comment by Deanna — January 12, 2006 @ 12:00 am
Just wanted to officially de-lurk. I’m a regular reader, and I always enjoy your posts. Although I’m fairly new to blogging (since last August) and a new father to boot (last May), I’ve found lots of fathers who enjoy talking about their kids and sharing their experiences. Thanks for sharing yours!
Comment by thisbiochemicallife — January 12, 2006 @ 4:35 am
I’m not a lurker, but I come to see what new secrets your mother has to reveal about you. I live in Florida, love Bugs Bunny and a good night’s sleep, neither of which I’ve seen much of since the kids arrived.
Comment by Becky — January 12, 2006 @ 5:25 am
I visit because you are a very caring dad and it comes through in your heartfelt writing. And also because the kids are very cute!
Comment by Chag — January 12, 2006 @ 5:59 am
I have commented before. I dont remember how i stumbled into your corner of the blogosphere, but i enjoy reading about your experiences with not 1, but 2 babies. I have also found that i like the daddy blogs more than the mommy blogs. Well, to answer your questions, I am from the space coast of Florida, my favorite cartoon character is Tigger. My most embarassing moment..hmm should i share this? ok- back in high school, i had a boyfriend (for all of highschool we were together) and we were at his house, i had umm…gas…he picked me up and Squeezed. I tooted. So he continued to squeeze and then began chasing his brother around the house calling me his fart-shooter. Believe me, i was absolutley mortified. It’s been 10 years and that story is still difficult to tell. I visit because i enjoy surfing around the web to other sites and reading everyone’s blogs. YOu write well. I also hope maybe i will get some hits of my own from commenting.
see you on the web.
Comment by Kristie — January 12, 2006 @ 6:22 am
I found your site on a bathroom stall in the Port Authority bus station. I thought it was a porn site. Then, I realized it was yet another Daddy blog. But you seemed like such a nice guy, I kept coming back to visit!
Comment by MetroDad — January 12, 2006 @ 6:27 am
I got here from Busy Mom’s site when you posted her Family Traditions post. I’ve kept coming back because of the way you write with both wit and sweetness for those two little ones. It’s nice to see such a devoted dad. The adorable pictures are a big plus too, of course. I miss having babies around.
Comment by Julie — January 12, 2006 @ 7:06 am
This is going to sound a little weird but you know – I am waiting for extra kids to magically appear at my door and I want to win the baby!
I like the lousy graphic idea.
Comment by Gawdessness — January 12, 2006 @ 7:12 am
I know what you mean Matthew, I love when people leave me comments, I just wish more people did… (sniff, sniff)
Great post again, love the images too, keep it up.
Comment by Kemp — January 12, 2006 @ 7:24 am
Hello from IL, your cousin on this end. I enjoy reading what you and Andrea post, it makes the miles seem a little less. My daughter’s also love looking at your beautiful children; it is hard to keep them from asking to see the twins again. They want me to buy a pair for them.
Further more my Mother Stella Marie loves Andrea and love’s it when I keep her informed on what is happening in your world. Looking forward to seeing you all again sometime, hopefully sooner then later, maybe Dave’s next trip will be to California, and not Africa, and I can stop by and say Hello. I also am so excited for Kathy and Ken, I am sure they will love all your helpful insights when June comes along. Children are so wonderful!
Comment by Gretchen — January 12, 2006 @ 8:32 am
I found you in the same place as MetroDad.
Okay, maybe it was Becky’s blog, but I sill thought it was porn.
I’m not a lurker, but I’ve been sort of MIA for awhile so I thought I would say hi.
Comment by Sarah — January 12, 2006 @ 9:16 am
oy. i am SO not prepared for de-lurking week. i found you because people found me through you. i wish delurking week could be next month. i think i will make one next month, come back and delurk all over cyberia. anyway, i read you because every time i do, i’m grateful that i only have one, not two. and certainly not two AT THE SAME TIME! oy-to-the-vey. and i love your design/art direction. i envy anybody that can whip together badass graphics in time for delurking week.
and because i blushed a little when you told me that you think of me every time you see the cake. happy delurking week. xobmc
Comment by bitemycookie — January 12, 2006 @ 9:34 am
I keep coming back to your site because I like reading about how you interact with your little ones. They are too adorable. It’s nice to read about a new Dad’s experiences. Plus I love how you reflect on your time with them.
Comment by Grace — January 12, 2006 @ 10:18 am
Hi!…I’ve been visiting your site for quite a while & decided I’d delurk, since that seems to be the thing to do this week! Your twins are just adorable! Oh…& by the way, I beleive you wanted to know where we are from…Ohio here.
Comment by Kristy — January 12, 2006 @ 10:24 am
I can’t remember how I found you, but I keep coming back for more because I like the way you write. Like Chag said, you write from the heart.
Comment by Andie D. — January 12, 2006 @ 10:40 am
Ok, so I’m not a lurker. I think I found a link to you from MetroDad, SO I guess I’ll go with the bathroom stall version he said. Honestly, I find Dad Blogs to be more interesting than Mommy ones. Well, except for MIM and Dooce. I love the things you post about those beautiful babies. And the pictures are a plus. But as I am up to my ears in toddlers, you can keep them.
And let’s see – I am visiting you from LA. My favorite cartoon characters are Mickey and Tigger. My most embarrassing moment was when I threw up all over my first grade teacher. So what is you most embarrassing moment?? DO share.
Comment by Melissa — January 12, 2006 @ 10:50 am
I’m a long-time reader, and I think I found your site through MetroDad. I am as yet childless (damn lazy ovaries), but I love the way you write about your babies.
I’m writing from Dallas, but I didn’t vote for the President, so please don’t hold the Texan thing against me. I embarrass myself constantly, but a drunken karaoke performance of Reba McEntire’s “Fancy” certainly makes the list.
Comment by Angstyjen — January 12, 2006 @ 11:00 am
I’m hardly de-lurking, but I come because:
the kids are cute
You write funny stuff
You write moving stuff
I like to thank the world that I haven’t got twins at least once a day
I love comments too.
Comment by Mrs Aginoth — January 12, 2006 @ 11:05 am
I’m a regular lurker delurking. I cannot remember how I found you, but have been reading since right before JT and Bri* were born. I lurk at MANY sites, and comment rarely. I usually can’t think of anything clever to say.
OK, I keep visiting because I love parents’ blogs and hearing stories about their kids (I have a four year old daughter). I am visiting from Indiana. My favorite cartoon character is….um….well, I don’t know. I don’t think I have one. My most embarassing moment? When I was really chewing out my boss to another coworker only to find that he was on the other side of my cubicle wall. I was mortified.
Will keep reading as long as you keep writing,
Take care,
Comment by Theresa B — January 12, 2006 @ 11:30 am
* Is Brianna pronounced Bri-ann-a or Bri-on-a?
Just curious
Comment by Theresa B — January 12, 2006 @ 11:30 am
Not a lurker. I can’t remember how I found you, but it may have been when you left a comment on my blog. I’m visiting from Baton Rouge, LA, my favorite cartoon character is definitely Sponge Bob, and I’m not prepared to share my most embarrassing moment with anyone. It’s still embarrassing to talk about. I love reading your posts for many reasons, the first one being because we both have boy/girl twins the same age. I keep coming back because you write such heartfelt posts for your little ones and also some very funny ones. Oh, and I figure I should keep up with what your babes are doing since they will be marrying mine one day.
Comment by amy — January 12, 2006 @ 11:44 am
Wow – what a fancy-shmancy place you got here. Not sure about the clientele – I hear that MetroDad guy is a tad sketchy.
Comment by Mr. Big Dubya — January 12, 2006 @ 11:53 am
in high school, my friend ran for president. when he did his campaigning he found a picture of a waspy couple in a boat with a baby. he just photocopied it with the words, “Vote for Ryan, or we toss this baby in the water.”
Needless to say, he lost.
Comment by dutch — January 12, 2006 @ 3:57 pm
Hello Matthew!
I come to you through your brother, and have been lurking for what seems like years. In fact, it HAS been years. So long I almost forgot that I used to have to go to your brother’s site’s links to get to you, but now you are one of the few sites I frequent daily.
Your family introduced me to blogs back when few knew what a blog was. Between you, your brother and your cousin, I used to think it was so cool that I knew people with blogs. I’ve never met such a family that is so creative with words.
And on the subject of lurking…I’ve often written comments but have never submitted them.
For instance: How dare you even think of banning your own MOTHER! For shame!
Comment by Cherry — January 12, 2006 @ 4:58 pm
Thanks Cherry and Becky. I didn’t know, Tribeca was near the Port Authority.
Comment by Grandmother — January 12, 2006 @ 5:13 pm
I lurk because Dutch makes all the funny comments before I get here.
hurray for delurking!
Comment by Wood — January 12, 2006 @ 5:56 pm
I found your blog through MIM. With an intro like that, how could you NOT be good?
Comment by L. — January 12, 2006 @ 5:59 pm
It’s all about the Rhino’s Matt……all……about….. the Rhino’s
I love your letters to your kids….their fab!
Comment by Chocolate Makes it Better — January 12, 2006 @ 6:26 pm
I found your site from Laid off Dad a while back. You have beautiful twins… I never know what I’m going to get when I stop by hilarium (yes, I made that up) or heart touching parenting lovey dovey… anyway —- good stuff!
Comment by Het — January 12, 2006 @ 7:12 pm
I can’t recall what I ate earlier today so I couldn’t tell you how I came about your site. I think it was Dooce, Mighty Girl or BIYF. I don’t know. BUT…being a mom, I love reading about other parents’ lives and goings on. I feel like a stalker sometimes looking to see if anything new has been posted. I think my 3yr old son likes the photos of JT and Bri. “BABIES MAMA!!” That’s what I hear at top voice level. He’s got good taste.
Comment by Trish — January 12, 2006 @ 7:14 pm
Wait, there’s no cake?
Damn, I thought there might be cake today . . . sigh.
Comment by Susan — January 12, 2006 @ 7:25 pm
We had twins in August, and started our twins blog shortly before that. I found your site on the MultiDad website. Now I spend my nights after the girls are asleep cruising other twin parent blog sites. It’s like some strange subculture or weird addiction. My wife even sees me doing it, and says,
“For God’s sake, be a real man and download some porn, will you?” I can’t help it — I like reading what other parents are writing about their kids.
Comment by David — January 12, 2006 @ 9:36 pm
I dunno how i found you…. hmmm but when I found out my step brother and his wife were going to have twins (also a boy and a girl) I got more interested in reading your blog, kinda as a preview to what they’re going to be seeing these next months.
Their babies were born Dec 22, and are about to reach their official due date. But all in all they’re doing wonderful, and everyone is grateful they’re here, as I’m sure your family was when JT and Bri arrived.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your babies with us.
Comment by Hayfever — January 12, 2006 @ 11:01 pm
Hi. I found your website through Savage Stories by Amy, and have visited once or twice since then. I have no idea what lurking or de-lurking is: but i do like reading random blogs… especially ones that make me smile or laugh a bit, no matter that I’m only 20 and don’t have or plan on having kids for at least another six or seven years. I am hailing from Germany, where I am studying for a year, my favorite cartoon character would have to be the Smurfs, I don’t know which one though. I can say however that my favorite TV shows include, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Family Matters, Full House and Home Improvement. I don’t have an embarrasing moment… but I do have plenty of intersting ones which pertain to using my German skills…
Comment by mindy — January 13, 2006 @ 3:04 am
WOW – wish I could get comments like this on my blog! But, I know, I’m not near as a skilled writer (by far) as you are, and I don’t talk about “my babies” much (but I do do pictures and updates).
I lurk b/c I enjoy reading about twins (since I have twin granddaughters). I lurk, and comment, in hopes that other parents/grandparents will add MY blog to their “watch list” too. I am always hunting for more blogs in which twin babies are involved, so I can “watch them grow” along with “my girls”.
Matthew, I enjoy your postings. Lurking is addictive.
Comment by cindy of ECC — January 13, 2006 @ 6:18 am
i can’t remember how i got here, but now I can’t find the exit…
seriously, i think you and your perspective are great… and you sent that sweet email when i took my hiatus.
Comment by tpon — January 13, 2006 @ 12:24 pm
Hey! Hi. So, um. What’s going on? Oh. Blog? What’s that? Right. And what do you do here? Uh-huh. And I should comment then? Right. Well, I guess I found you the normal way. Yeah, that one. What? Um, I know you through Dr. Rosenfeldbergsteinrosenfeld. Yeah, he’s from Belgium, but you’re huge there. Anyway, um, I gotta run. Good luck with this thing.
Comment by BIYF — January 13, 2006 @ 1:37 pm
Found your site through another daddy blog (can’t remember which now…). I love the cute graphics and the even cuter babies. I just had a baby (4 weeks ago today!) and I’ve been reading yours and other parenting blogs since early in my pregnancy because I felt like I could learn a thing or two about the mysterious world of babyhood from you folks. Thanks!
Comment by Nina — January 13, 2006 @ 2:43 pm
Ooh! I want an extra baby! They are both so great, I will take them both.
Comment by Kari — January 14, 2006 @ 2:29 pm