Who wants to Swap Wives?
Now that I have your attention, let me explain.
First, sorry guys, but you ain’t gettin’ my wife. But, if you and your spouse are looking for a little adventure and you don’t mind a national television audience watching, you could be the ideal candidate for Wife Swap.
I get a handful of unsolicited emails in connection with this blog. But when I received an email from Danielle, the Casting Producer of Wife Swap, I was a bit surprised. I mean, people with interesting jobs actually read my blog? At least one of my thirteen readers apparently does and she had a thought… Do I know of anyone who might be interested in being on Wife Swap (which airs Monday nights on ABC)? Here’s the pitch, in Danielle’s words…
In case you’re not familiar with the show’s format, “Wife Swap” is the
family show where two moms switch homes, and live life in the shoes of
another woman for six days. Each family must have at least one child who
falls between the ages of roughly 5 and 20.
“Wife Swap” is an experience that is savored by moms looking to get a taste
of another family, to broaden her horizons, and to appreciate her family
more upon return. Families that appear on “Wife Swap” receive $20,000.
As you can see, Andrea and I don’t qualify. Our kids aren’t in the age range she’s looking for. But you might be the perfect fit. She’s looking specifically for, “families with metrosexual dads, families with specific parental philosophies, and parents with stay-at-home-dads” for upcoming episodes.
So, what’s in it for me? Well, if one of you contacts me and let’s me know you’re interested and then you actually get chosen for the show, I get $1,000. Hey, do you know how many t-shirts I’d have to sell to make a $1,000?! So, if you’re interested, give me a holla and I’ll hook you up with the lovely Danielle.
Now get Swappin’!
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Well, we fit the specific parental philosophies, but we’re not in the right age range either. Too bad. I might enjoy threatening kids that aren’t mine with no bedtime story unless they get their teeth brushed.
Comment by Deanna — January 31, 2006 @ 2:23 am
I like the idea of pimping for kickbacks on the blog. You are a genius and my hero.
Comment by Sarah — January 31, 2006 @ 6:02 am
just so ya know you have 9 subscribers at bloglines
and good luck with the kickbacks
Comment by hayfever — January 31, 2006 @ 9:27 am
Hmm, how about a nice monolingual Spanish speaking family from Santa Cruz? I have lots of possibilities and they could all use the money. Just think, someone in New Hampshire could get homemade tamales, carne asada and salsa for breakfast lunch and dinner…mmmm mendudo.
Comment by Grandmother — January 31, 2006 @ 11:20 am
I’m sure I fit. I’ve got three children in that age range as well as two younger. We also have specific parenting philosophies. BUT I refuse to go to another person’s house or have another mom come to take care of my children. (I’m sure they would LOVE homeschooling my older kids.) Sorry, man. Can’t do.
Comment by Julie — January 31, 2006 @ 12:25 pm
thankfully we do not fit the bill either. This “reality” craze is a bit scary to me. Makes me want to run away. Even though 20,000 would be very nice. I just don’t think I would put my family through it. Makes you ponder what you would do for money! Not much. I prefer my sanity and my happy family on our adequate-makes-the-ends-meet income.
Comment by Dana — January 31, 2006 @ 6:47 pm
But you scared me there for a second Matt! Better go buy your wife a good Valentine’s day present! May I suggest a professional massage?? As your twins get bigger she might be visiting Physical Therapy for her arms and shoulder like I am!! They are killing me . . . .
Comment by Dana — January 31, 2006 @ 6:49 pm
Wow! For $20,000, I would do a lot — I used to be proud, but not anymore.
I wonder, though, if my life is a bit too unbelievable. I am currently a stay-at-home mom of 3 interracial, bilingual kids, boy-girl-boy, ages almost 4, 9 and almost 11. As people who read my blog know, we used to live in Tokyo, and now live in San Francisco. My husband is Japanese, working for his country`s government, but we speak mostly English at home lately, because our au pair is from Taiwan. My husband is in fact SO metrosexual that he is often mistaken for gay in SF — he`s a fashionista (but I am not). The older kids go to Catholic school, where a mean old nun has led my son to decide he`s an athiest. Oh wait — that`s too controversial for network TV, isn`t it? Scratch that last part.
For $20,000, I`d be glad to change any of that, and could even put one of the kids up for adoption.
Comment by L. — January 31, 2006 @ 9:21 pm
LOL! My husband would rather stick a fork in his eye repeatedly than go on that show — but I think we’d be great candidates. Four kids, with a pretty specific philosophy in that our kids come first…I can imagine them swapping us with some family where both parents work 70+ hour work weeks and the kids just get schlepped to daycare. Can’t imagine some viper woman coming into my home and seeing that she would also have a 70 hour work week – one that had nothing to do with her
I think it’s great you get a referral fee. If I can think of anyone interested, I’ll point them your direction.
Comment by Jen M. — March 18, 2007 @ 4:46 pm