Six Weird Things
I was tagged by Becky. I’m supposed to write six weird things nobody knows about me and then tag six others. Okay…… Here it goes.
1) When I was a kid I would compusively count the syllables of everything that came out of my mouth. (26 syllables) I know, I know, weird. I no longer do this and I only did this for a short time – so don’t go judging me and my weirdness, okay!
2) I hate the taste of cilantro.
3) I have read works by Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume and Locke and the only thing I remember about any of them is their name. (How’s that for an Ivy League education?)
4) On October 15, 1991 at 12:01 a.m. I joined my track & field teammates by running naked around the Columbia campus singing “Roar Lions Roar”, the Columbia Fight Song. This run has been repeated each October 15th since. (Nothing perverted here! It was a male bonding thing that only 18-22 year-olds can think is a good idea).
5) I have an inch-long birthmark on my left shin that looks like a russet potato. When I was born, it was on my ankle.
6) When I was a kid I could never figure out how Encyclopedia Brown knew who did it.
Ivory Frog
Pixie Mom
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3) I’ve read all those too. The only thing I can remember? My professor’s hideously long, yellow toenails, which he displayed day in, day out, year-round (no socks in the winter) in his Birkenstocks. How can anyone concentrate on shadows and light when you can’t stop looking at freak-show feet?
Comment by Becky — April 16, 2006 @ 7:37 pm
I have been tagged and go henceforth to do my duty…
(This is actually fun because I’ve never been tagged before! But no one else get any ideas!
Comment by Deanna — April 16, 2006 @ 11:08 pm
hey — i’ve got the cilantro thing too! does it taste like soap to you? after years of living in nyc and having waiters try to convince me that i “wouldn’t taste the cilantro” in the dish i had just asked to receive cilantro free, i started telling people i was allergic. then i found out that it’s actually a hereditary “allergic” reaction. vindication! my brother can’t stand it either. my mom too, but she claims it’s just a sympathetic reaction upon hearing that my brother and i can’t eat it. my mom’s sister didn’t like it either.
Comment by laurie — April 17, 2006 @ 5:17 am
Ok, so I did it. I like your birthmark one, cause I have one on my left calf that looks like someone kicked me. Man if I had a dollar for everytime someone asked, I’d be rich.
Comment by Melissa — April 17, 2006 @ 10:28 am
[...] Over at Childs Play x2, Matthew, in his response to the Six Weird Things meme, admitted that he hates cilantro. [...]
Pingback by Upside Up » Blog Archive » My cause celebre — April 17, 2006 @ 1:03 pm
Ok, did it and I always figured it out way before Encyclopedia Brown was done.
Comment by Julie — April 17, 2006 @ 7:38 pm
[...] Well, I was tagged by Becky for this five odd things meme and since Becky and I go way back, I’m more than happy to announce my peculiar ways to the world even though she has done this to me before. Perhaps she just thinks I’m so odd that five more things would be a cinch. So, here it goes… [...]
Pingback by Childs Play x2 — Because having one just wasn’t enough. » More odd things… — March 6, 2007 @ 11:47 pm
I am SO with you on the cilantro – nasty stuff.
I will never think of Columbia the same now…and I have a nice image to think of on my birthday! Ah college boys. Nothing like ‘em.
Comment by Jane — January 11, 2008 @ 12:20 pm