Who says blogging isn’t lucrative?
About a week-and-a-half ago I received an email from someone alerting me that April 12th was National Licorice Day.
I did not know that. How fortunate was I, to receive this news via email in such a timely manner?
Well, my fortune did not end there. The person sending me the email actually wanted to send me Red Vines licorice.
Well, I knew that licorice wouldn’t be turned down in this household (considering Andrea went through a 4 lb. tub of Red Vines during her pregnancy) so I thought, why not?
Late last week, the licorice arrived. Behold the licoricy goodness that has descended on my household.

So, while I may not be making any money on my smart ass shirts, at least I’ve got my licorice.
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I must let my dear licorice loving husband know.
Comment by Julie — April 12, 2006 @ 7:57 am
hey, I got that e-mail too. I thought for sure the red vines would have strings attached.
Comment by dutch — April 12, 2006 @ 10:06 am
Free Licorice. That is amazing. When you get one that says free Jellly Belly, Jelly Beans, you let me know, ok. Thanks.
Comment by Melissa — April 12, 2006 @ 10:48 am
When you get an offer for free chocolate, I want in.
Comment by Deanna — April 12, 2006 @ 1:00 pm
Cool! But, I hate to be nitpicky, but red vines are not licorice. Licorice is a specific flavor that is used in medicines, liquor and of course, candy. Red vines do not have this flavoring. Black vines do. Which is why licorice is always black.
Comment by Vixen — April 13, 2006 @ 7:15 am