March 20, 2007

Hello, my little girl…

It’s been a while since I’ve taken the time to write about you, my little Swee’Pea. And I apologize for that, little one. But you have been changing so fast that I can hardly keep up. I try to tell you slow down – that you’re growing up way too fast – but you keep learning and growing and changing right before my eyes. I blame your mother.

By now, your personality has taken hold. You, my sweet, sweet girl are NOT a morning person. You hate changing from your pajamas into your clothes and throw a fit just about every morning as I wrestle you into a clean shirt and pants. After you have had meltdown #1, we go downstairs where I put you into your high chair and give you some juice. I then give you your favorite food in the world – banana. After I carry your brother down, it’s just about time for…

Meltdown #2. Usually because you’re not getting the right food at the right time. You’re really gonna have to work on that Swee’Pea.

A recent development that has limited your meltdowns is that you can now speak in sentences. Your ability to communicate with words just exploded this past week and it is amazing to listen to you tell me what you want or tell me about your brother. You still love your sign language videos and you still use some signs but it’s happening less and less. I will miss you signing your words to me but your spoken words are musical as they roll off your lips in your little girl voice.

Oh, and all the things you know! I cannot begin to tell you how amazed I am every time you show me something that I didn’t know you knew. Just the other day we were picking out what socks for you to wear and you pointed to a pink pair and said, “Piiiiiink.” Not sure I just heard you point out a color, I asked you to hand me the pink socks. You picked them out and handed them to me. Of course, you were wearing a purple outfit so I let you choose between the purple socks I had picked out and the pink ones you picked out. Because you are such a fashionable young girl, you chose the purple ones. But, for the record, I would have dressed you in the pink ones if you had wanted them.

Wow, there is a lot to tell you, isn’t there? Well, I might have to save the rest for another post. But let me just end by telling you how very much I love being your Daddy. You are challenging at times but full of love and passion always. You make my world a better place and I am so grateful that I have you to hold and cherish every day of my life.



  1. And just what would be so wrong with her going to daycare in her PJ’s? There are days I would love to go to work in mine. OH! Good ahead and make her day.

    Comment by Grandmother — March 20, 2007 @ 10:32 pm

  2. It’s amazing how quickly it all changes. I find myself missing Ane’s baby words – they disappeared all too quickly, and I am clinging to the ones that are left.

    Comment by Deanna — March 21, 2007 @ 12:25 pm

  3. Your ability to communicate with words just exploded this past week and it is amazing to listen to you tell me what you want or tell me about your brother.

    That can definitely be both a blessing and a curse.

    It’s a blessing since they can communicate their needs and wants.

    It becomes a curse when they repeat a word you swore they didn’t hear you say … like, at the daycare you used to send them to … which was at a church … when the pastor was there … with his 90-year old mother.

    Comment by Mark D — March 23, 2007 @ 7:23 pm

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