Better Late Than Never

A while ago, Christine honored me with a Thinking Blogger Award. Then, Debra did the same. I cannot tell you how honored I am to be thought of in this way. When I started this blog never did I think that other people would be interested in the chronicles of Swee’Pea and TheMonk. But somehow the joy I have for parenting these two little ones seems to speak to others. And that makes me glad.
So, while this is WAY overdue I have been thinking of some other bloggers that may make me go hmmmmmm. And in the spirit of this meme I’ll be glad to pass this award to the following bloggers…
1) African American Dad. I really enjoy Keith’s perspective of parenting. His unique perspective of parenting an African American young boy in today’s society always makes me think of my own son and how race and ethnicity can play such a big role in who we are.
2) How About Two? When Rob lost his son shortly after birth, my heart felt so heavy for him and his family. What has struck me since is the incredible strength he has shown and his outlook on life that inspires me to not take anything for granted.
3) Back To Me. Samantha Jo is one of those people who just seem sooooo… nice. She leaves me lovely messages when I post new pics of the twins and she’s just a very sweet person. I also love that she’s into protecting animals and seems so passionate about it. I respect those who aren’t afraid to show they care.
Okay, I can’t think of any more. If I may confess, my blog reading has dropped dramatically in the past month or so since work has been kicking my butt. Hopefully I’ll get to visit all those on my blogroll real soon.
That’s enough thinking for today. My head hurts.
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OMG! I’ve been so behind on MY blog reading that I only just got to this post. Gee thanks! That’s so sweet of you to mention me.
But, have you seriously missed all the posts where I’m ranting and raving and threatening to kill people? Hmm. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that. . . .
Comment by samantha jo campen — June 3, 2007 @ 9:46 am
I don’t know what to say. I guess I want to thank all of the little people… But seriously, thanks for the kind words and support.
Comment by Keith — June 8, 2007 @ 7:13 pm