July 1, 2007

A Perfect Post

To me, one of the great things of the blog world is that every once in a while you read something that just… fits. This month, when reading Attack of the Redneck Mommy, I ran across a post called Neat Feet.

It’s hard for me to put into words why this post touched me so much. I guess I am acutely aware of being so vulnerable as a parent and how the fragility of the young lives we care for makes being a parent so challenging.

I cannot imagine losing a child. I cannot imagine going through all the challenges that is detailed in this post. But I’d like to think that I could.

Perhaps the best part of this post, the one that will provide a need for tissues when reading it, is how much love her two other children still have for their gone, but not forgotten, sibling. Even now, writing this, I am fighting back tears.

This post touched a place deep in my heart and I hope that you go and read about how this wonderful little boy with club feet managed to leave behind so much joy.

A perfect post indeed.

(You can find more Perfect Posts at Petroville and Suburban Turmoil.)


  1. Yeah…u were right…that was a tear jerker…Lucky for me its cold outside…middle of summer but its kinda cool outside…so I can blame these tears on sinuses!

    Comment by Chinanow — July 2, 2007 @ 5:23 am

  2. Agreed! She really got to me with this post.

    Comment by canape — July 2, 2007 @ 8:10 am

  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I ended reading more of her posts – she’s a terrific writer, and the story she tells is truly inspiring.

    Comment by Aina Bernier — July 3, 2007 @ 8:12 pm

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