One more gray hair
It is early morning and I am feeding two tired toddlers their breakfast. This particular morning I had to wake them up from their deep slumber. This seems to be happening more and more now that it is still dark when I have to get them up. While TheMonk seems to adapt fine once he’s awake. With Swee’Pea? Not so much.
Breakfast time, I have down to a science. We do a bowl of oatmeal followed by some fruit and, finally, yogurt. They know this. This is our routine and most days it is a welcome routine for everyone. Not so today.
From the very moment we sit down Swee’Pea begins to whine cry scream that she wants yogurt. NOW.
In our household we do not encourage screaming by giving in. No, we keep politely insisting that Swee’Pea ask in a calm, nice voice if she wants something. Screaming will NOT get you want you want. (TheMonk thinks we’re crazy. It’s not uncommon for me to look over him while his sister is screaming and the expression on his face so clearly says, “Give her the damn yogurt, already.)
Today Swee’Pea is not going to ask for anything in a calm voice.
I pretend I’m in charge and I give TheMonk his oatmeal and try and help Swee’Pea get started on hers. Oatmeal, in case you were wondering, is NOT yogurt. This becomes evident to me because the volume in which she was screaming “I WANT YOGURT!!!!” is hard to ignore. She is right. It isn’t yogurt.
I do manage to calm her down enough to get her to eat her oatmeal but it isn’t easy. After every few bites of oatmeal (pronounced, in our house, “eatmilmull”) she screams again about wanting yogurt. You know, in case I have forgotten.
We finally get through the oatmeal and I give her a small amount of fruit in an effort to make this phase go by quickly so she can finally get her beloved yogurt. This plan works as she scarfs down a couple of sliced apple pieces.
FINALLY. We get to the yogurt. Swee’Pea knows this. She sees me pull out the container of yogurt and I can tell she is excited. Her eyes lock on to the container and she waits as I approach with spoon in hand. I dip the spoon into the container and come up with the… perfect bite. She knows this is what she has been craving since the moment she woke up that morning. She is finally going to taste the yogurt. After 15 minutes of screaming, I’m finally going to be able to make my daughter happy. I have done my part in being resolute but now I can revel in the happiness that this bite of yogurt will give my beautiful little girl.
I guide the spoon to her lips as I anticipate her ravenously swallowing the entire amount.
Except the girl won’t open her mouth.
“Don’t you want yogurt, Swee’Pea?” I ask.
She replies in a manner that suggests I should know what the answer is going to be.
“No.” she says firmly.
The teenage years are going to kill me, aren’t they?
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I have quite a short temper, especially when it comes to Callum screaming when he shouldn’t. If that was me in your shoes, that yoghurt would have ended up all over the wall! lol.
Don’t worry… things will get different. (They’ll never get easier, but you’ll just have different things to cope with! and a change is as good as a rest
Comment by Modified mummy — October 12, 2007 @ 2:02 am
Yeah, what’s the deal with yogurt? I’ve got one who screams, “yogurtyogurtyogurtyogurtyogurtyogurtyogurtyogurtyogurt!” Then decides she doesn’t want it when she finally gets it.
In my head, I’m screaming, “margaritamargaritamargarita!”
Comment by Becky — October 12, 2007 @ 5:44 am
I guarantee it.
Comment by Aunt Raina — October 12, 2007 @ 8:07 am
Hahaha… sorry, I shouldn’t be laughing… I just love how she’s got the ‘I’m a girl, I’m allowed to change my mind’ tactic going already
Yep teenage years will probably be ‘fun’
Cheers Eva
Comment by Eva — October 12, 2007 @ 8:41 am
I commend you for sticking to your principles. At least you have that at the end of breakfast!
Comment by Aina — October 12, 2007 @ 2:37 pm
Hmmm, I had a child like that.
Comment by Grandmother — October 12, 2007 @ 4:10 pm
We try to stick to stick to the same thing with our two year old — screaming will get you nowhere. But there are always those days where their will to scream is far greater than your will to not give in.
Can’t wait until our twins (one boy, one girl) to get here and the fun really starts. Then we’ll see just how much will power I have…
Comment by James — October 13, 2007 @ 9:38 am
“The teenage years are going to kill me, aren’t they?”
Only if the toddler years don’t kill you first.
Comment by Deanna — October 13, 2007 @ 10:38 am
“The teenage years are going to kill me, aren’t they?”
Yes… yes they will…
Comment by Kemp — October 15, 2007 @ 5:55 am
Yeah….that’s how my 7 year old daughter flips. The Hubs and I look at each other and realize that these are moments are glimpses of the teenage years. Yup!
Comment by Grace — October 15, 2007 @ 5:23 pm