January 6, 2008

Are you ready for some football?

The Chargers take on the Tennessee Titans today. While to some it’s just another game, to me it means a little more because Busy Mom and I have a little wager resting on this game.

Busy Mom, get ready to tell everyone about the Great State of California!

1 Comment

  1. Hi there. I came across your blog through your response to the daycaredaze blog, to which I was referred by another friend (sheesh!). I was surprised to see this entry-and delighted!! We have had Chargers tickets for 16 years, and this is the first year we were too broke to buy playoff seats. But let me tell you all five of us and a 10 year old cousin watched that game today–very quietly at first, but with a lot of whooping and hollering in the second half!! My dh picked up his “lucky” football just before the Chargers first scored, and let me tell you, he didn’t put it down till the game was over. Happy to meet another Bolts fan online!

    Comment by Beka — January 6, 2008 @ 7:22 pm

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