February 14, 2008

My Honey Valentine

Hello my Love,

I haven’t told you about this, but since I have started my new job I have a whole new group of people who don’t know what you look like. Over the past month several people have visited my office for the first time. And once in my office they cannot help but notice our wedding photos that sit on my desk. Every person always says a variation of the same thing… “Wow. She’s beautiful. How’d you get so lucky?”

And my reply? “I haven’t a clue. Just don’t tell her she married down.”

I am as thrilled as ever to call you my Valentine, Sweetie. And I am even more thrilled that I get to help two little ones also become your Valentine.

Thank you for choosing me. Not a day goes by that I don’t realize how lucky I am that you decided, in a moment of insanity, to choose to spend every day of the rest of your life with me. And because of that crazy thought, we made a couple of amazing kids.

We love you with all of our chocolate-covered hearts. Of course, we’ll share all that chocolate with you (Well, I will. You know how TheMonk is with sharing his food.).

Happy Valentines Day!


  1. I love coming to check out the Valentine photos each year! The kids just keep getting cuter!

    Comment by Deanna — February 14, 2008 @ 10:31 am

  2. Hey
    You are a man who actually created and maintains a wonderful blog dedicated to his children…and is not afraid to write about his emotional life and share it with the world. Your wife didn’t marry down… I’m sure she is a gorgeous (I saw the photos so I know she is) and wondeful woman…she must have found someone very worthy to share her life with.
    Love the giggly pics! My girls were dribbling chocolate fro their valentine playmates-not so photogenic (esp since they had removed their diapers)
    Have a LOVEly day

    Comment by Twinshere — February 14, 2008 @ 11:32 am

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