100 Things Worth Remembering, Part III
These are #’s 51-75 of the memories I hope pop up as my life flashes before my eyes.
51. Dancing with my daughter while she stands on my feet.
52. The look on my son’s face as he says “UH OH, PISGHETTIO”
53. The first warm spring day in college.
54. The red and black grip tape on my first skateboard
55. Watching the sun rise over the Finger Lakes in upstate NY by myself
56. Playing “Pirate Ship” atop the retaining wall at my childhood home
57. The lightning bolt earring I wore on race day
58. The warm laughter of my high school friends
59. Standing in line to see Star Wars for the first time
60. Giving my little brother “noogies”
61. Wearing my green & yellow Little League jacket to school on game day
62. My custom purple, pink and lime green Vans
63. Doing cannon balls into my aunt’s pool on the 4th of July
64. Playing volleyball on the beach during the summers of my youth
65. Watching my brother say “I do”
66. Buying candy cigarettes at the corner store
67. Climbing on the tractors at my grandpa’s house
68. Diving to my right to stop a penalty kick
69. Holding my acceptance letter to college
70. Asking my honey to marry me
71. My first “all by myself” apartment
72. The baseball pennants adorning the walls of my childhood bedroom
73. My first yellow Tonka dump truck
74. Waking up to find a photo of me running on the front page of the sports section
75. Catching a foul ball with my bare hands
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I love number 53 – there’s something about spring memories from college. Every time it’s spring-like I think about college – the walks, the quad, the trail, everything.
Great list – looking forward to the rest.
Comment by Cathy — March 25, 2008 @ 3:57 am
I’m so glad our 4th’s made your top 100!!!
Comment by Aunt Raina — March 25, 2008 @ 7:45 am
I absolutely love these posts because even after reading your blog for a while it’s nice to get to know you a little more
As for #75 while I have never caught a foul ball (call me athletically challenged when it comes to hand eye coordination) I did “catch” a baseball with my shin once…ouch.
Comment by Amy — March 25, 2008 @ 11:56 am
I am visiting by way of Sam’s “Back to Me” blog.
Saw that you’re a mother of twins (response to Sam’s medical bills post) so I thought I’d visit your blog. Love your above post. May need to “blog lift” this one.
I too had a scheduled c section, 5 day hospital stay and didn’t pay a dime AND I had infertility treatments and didn’t pay a dime. AND on top of that, had my gall bladder removed 3 weeks later unexpectedly due to developing gall stones during pregnancy. All for the grand total of $50k! (plus the treatments) and not a DIME paid! We are VERY LUCKY! Guess I should call BC/BS ILL and call them too to thank them!
Til next visit.
Comment by Maggie — March 27, 2008 @ 6:39 am
oops..I am a COMPLETE idiot!!! You are a dad of twins! BAD MAGGIE! Anyway, still love your post. Sorry about my flub.
Comment by Maggie — March 27, 2008 @ 6:43 am