My Daughter, my love
Your curls hang softly, framing your beautiful face that is so much like your mother. You are concentrating on the task at hand, coloring in your Princess coloring book, slowly turning Princess Ariel’s fins a nice shade of purple. The crayon rests gently in your hand as you pause to push back the hair dangling in your face with your forearm.
I’m watching you from a few feet away but you don’t notice this. Princess Ariel commands your attention and you are in your own little world. I take this moment to watch you closely. I am amazed at how once again you have managed to grow without me noticing. Your eyes, for instance, are framed by less cheek than in the past. I can’t get over how fast you are growing up and I start to reflect on the things that I don’t want to forget about my three-year-old Swee’Pea.
Like the hugs you give me at the end of the day. After a long day’s work, I come home and get the longest, hardest hugs ever created. You wrap every wrappable body part around me and squeeze with all of your might. You do the impossible and squeeze whatever stress I am feeling that day right out of my body. What makes these squeezes even more special is that I know that you don’t do that for just anybody. Your love and affection are hard-earned and I feel extra special that you love me so much.
In fact, you are a very independent little girl. While your brother will ask for snuggles, you stand off by yourself and have to be talked into coming and snuggling too. I worry that you feel like you aren’t loved or that we somehow love your brother more. Nothing could be further from the truth. I just have to work a bit harder to include you and it’s a small price to pay for the love I get in return.
We have created a bond that I have always dreamed I’d have with my litle girl. When you have a bad dream, it’s me you cry out for in the darkness of the night. When you make a special dinner with your plastic food, it’s me you want to share it with. And while you also have a wonderful relationship with Mommy, being a father who’s close to his daughter is very important to me and I feel blessed that we are so close.
Did I mention you like princesses? You have a very fine wardrobe that includes shorts, pants, t-shirts, blouses and, of course, dresses. But what do you want to wear every day? A “princess dress.” Luckily, any dress is a “Princess Dress” to you but every day, when I dress you in the morning, we pull out a dress you approve of and we put it on. You’re lucky we live in a warm climate. You just might be able to wear dresses for the rest of your life.
But beyond the dresses lies the heart of a beautiful little girl. And that, my sweetheart, is what I’m most proud of. While you have a passion that erupts into tantrums beyond belief, you also have a gentle heart who loves animals and, I’m proud to say, loves her brother. Your are the sweetest, most special little girl I know and I’m so blessed that I get to be your Daddy.
And as you get older I know it might be harder for us to be as close. But I’m going to keep working at it because I want you to always know just how much your Daddy loves you. I love you more than there are stars in the sky, my little one.
And I always will.

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It is uncanny how much our kids are alike. I just told Chris the other day that I have to get all my snuggling in with our son b/c anything we get from our daughter is so hard-earned. Brayden is up for hugs and kisses anytime. When you get a hug from Baylee, it is really special.
BTW, she is beautiful and starting to look so much more “girly” than “baby”.
Comment by Amy — September 5, 2008 @ 5:45 am
What a beautiful post. It is so wonderful to hear a dad’s point of view and see a dad like you that is so into their kids. They are very lucky and so is your wife!
Comment by Stephanie — September 5, 2008 @ 8:59 am
She is a beautiful little (big?) girl and deserves all the princess dresses money can buy.
Comment by Deanna — September 5, 2008 @ 9:37 am
Beautiful Matthew, just beautiful.
Comment by Issa — September 5, 2008 @ 9:51 am
I still get a chuckle over that video clip you posted a few weeks back where she exclaims “AN’ MY KITTY’S CLEAN TOO!” Why can’t grown-ups get all jazzed up over simple stuff like that?
Comment by DustyShelf — September 5, 2008 @ 10:15 am
…and more than grains of sand on all the beaches.
Comment by Grandmother — September 5, 2008 @ 10:45 am
you are lucky. princess dresses to Isabella are the actual dress-up dresses. and she wants to wear them every day.
love this
Comment by ali — September 5, 2008 @ 11:09 am
She’s one gorgeous (and lucky) little girl!

If only all little girls were as wonderfully loved by their Daddies as yours and mine…
Comment by Lauren — September 5, 2008 @ 11:12 am
Even at 30, my father and I have a beautiful relationship. He was in the delivery room for the birth of my second child (the first was just my husband and I), we have lunch together once a week (if not more), I call him first when I need advice. I know it’s mainly due to him always being willing to listen, even when I was a child. He spent a lot of time with my sisters and me - playing, reading, teaching…he was up for anything.
I love to see men have strong relationships with their daughters. It reminds me of my own relationship with my daddy.
You rock.
Comment by Laurie — September 5, 2008 @ 3:18 pm
*Sniff, sniff* Thanks Matthew, I am now blubbering all over the keyboard! It’s because of posts like this that I check back daily, thus making it worth the frustrationa and wait—-LOL!!
That was beautiful, simply beautiful. Wouldn’t it be great if daddy’s everywhere were like you, and DrillSgt. and of course my daddy? High-fives to all the glorious daddy’s that share the love and affection they have for their little ones OUT LOUD!!
Hugs & Blessings!
Comment by MamáChanga — September 5, 2008 @ 11:06 pm
Awesome letter man. It’s amazing how much a little child can warm your heart and lift up your soul. There is nothing like the love for your spouse and child. Thanks for sharing this!
Comment by Jeremy (Discovering Dad) — September 6, 2008 @ 10:45 am
AWWWWWW….you wrote that from such a beautiful place in your heart. I hope they know every day how much they are cared for.
Comment by Anissa@Hope4Peyton — September 6, 2008 @ 7:04 pm
What a touching post! My Dad and I have always been close, and my husband is the same way with my daughter. It’s great to hear about other Dads that have close relationships with their girls, because it makes such a huge difference in their lives and relationships later. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by copywritermom — September 14, 2008 @ 11:24 pm