November 25, 2008

Preparing to go to battle

This evening, two older-than-they-used-to-be men talk about their soccer match that night.

Guy #1: Can you play goalie tonight? My shoulder is still killing me. I think I might have torn my rotator cuff.

Guy#2: I think I can. My wrist is still pretty sore from last week.

Guy#1: If you can’t, I can try it. I just can’t dive to my right.

Guy#2: I can give it a go. My Achilles tendon is feeling better so I can I can run now.

Guy#1: If worse comes to worse, we can have Abel play goalie.

Guy#2: Or we can trade off at the half. You know, if the pain gets too bad.


  1. Every Sunday evening, I come home from the bar after my baseball game, and tell my wife about my latest injury. Ankle, knee, shoulder, elbow, foot, thumb…it never ends.

    Comment by Rattling the Kettle — November 25, 2008 @ 9:51 pm

  2. There is truly something very sad about that exchange. Are we all getting old or something?

    Comment by Deanna — November 26, 2008 @ 12:49 am

  3. LOL Unfortunately, that sounds familiar. And don’t even attempt to empty a couple of pitchers after the game!

    Comment by Kila — November 29, 2008 @ 3:00 pm

  4. You’re baby, you’re old.

    Comment by Grandmother — November 29, 2008 @ 9:29 pm

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