It was 85 degrees today where I live. I say that for two reasons. First, it’s relevant to what we did as a family today and second, I know most of you are freezing things that shouldn’t ever be frozen and I thought I’d just rub it in a little bit. You’re welcome.
So, as I was saying, it was hot today. And on hot days, especially in the middle of winter, my wife always wants to go to the beach. I can’t say I blame her. We live a short drive from the beach. It’s one of the reasons why we moved to San Diego and we should take advantage of it when we get a chance. It’s just going to the beach stresses me out. Parking’s a bitch. I have to carry more items than a pack mule and usually someone ends up crying. Yeah, it’s usually me but that only makes it worse.
But today, I must admit, wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was downright good. It turns out that tourists aren’t clamoring to go to the beach on Martin Luther King Jr. Monday. And as we settled into the sand and got through lunch without a sandwich falling into the sand, I began to unwind. And before I knew it, I was digging in the sand with the kids and dodging oncoming waves as they ran up on shore.
And through all of this, one thought popped into my mind. We’re making memories. Lately, you see, I can’t help but realize that Swee’Pea and TheMonk are nearing the age I was when my own father died. I only have a few memories of my father and most of them are within the last year of his life. So I am keenly aware that these times I’m spending with Swee’Pea and TheMonk will be things that they could actually remember. Because of that, I want to make these moments that much more memorable.
And as I swung TheMonk over each incoming wave to his shrieking delight, I wondered if he’d remember this moment 35 years in the future. But as I hung on tightly to his little arms, I thought to myself, God willing, I know I will.

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Ahh Matthew. I was nodding along, thinking I do the same with Finn, and with RJ (although she is still too young for lasting memories). then I got to the last line. Teary now, I love the father and husband that you are. I love that you are so aware of your blessings, and that you cherish special moments. This is why I am so proud to call you friend.
Comment by Feistykel — January 18, 2011 @ 12:25 am
This was so lovely – it brought a tear to my eye. You really need to knock that off, you know? You are such a good dad. Truly.
Comment by Kellee — January 18, 2011 @ 12:25 am
Yes, thank you for rubbing in the bit about the weather. I’m not so much freezing cold as I am growing moss between my toes.
And thinking about what these kids will remember sometimes keeps me up at night… in terms of “If you screw up now, they will remember it FOREVER.”
Glad you had a good time on a warm beach making some great memories to cherish!
Comment by Deanna — January 18, 2011 @ 8:17 am
85 degrees and a beach day? *cries*
I think going to the beach gets easier the older your kids get. I remember going when mine were toddlers and it’s almost not worth it.
Comment by Issa — January 18, 2011 @ 9:15 am
I don’t know about you, but some of MY fondest memories are the long lazy days of summer we spent on the beach.
Later, we figured out that the tourists leave at 5 pm and so we started arriving at that time and would set up the hibachi and barbque sandy hot dogs. We would stay until the sunset or the fogged rolled in.
As I drive by the beach, each day on my way to the office, I can’t help but think of those days when the 3 of us were so much younger.
Glad to know you are carrying out the tradition.
Comment by Grandmother — January 21, 2011 @ 1:31 pm
Beautiful. Whenever your time comes to leave this world, your children are truly lucky to have this set of writings to know who you are and how much you love them.
Comment by kandjsmom — January 23, 2011 @ 6:33 am