February 14, 2012

Right Beside You Is Where I Belong

Just the other night, as I folded baby clothes on the floor, I was listening to music when our wedding song came on. And while I called you into the room and we had a fleeting dance and laugh, the moment has stuck with me over the past couple of days.

So much has changed since that first dance. If you had asked me that day what 11 years later would look like, there’s no way I could have painted a picture of a family as beautiful as ours. First twins. Then another one. And when I look at the beauty in our children, I am reminded of why I love you so much. You are a wonderful mother. So much so that you make me want to be a better father. Together, we have created something so wonderful and I thank God often that you chose me to go on this journey with.

Happy Valentines, my love. From your husband and your beautiful children.

Chocolate Valentines

1 Comment

  1. They are absolutely gorgeous! You have a stunning family! (Thanks, btw, for the comment on my blog!)

    Comment by Krys72599 — February 14, 2012 @ 4:59 am

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