Finding her inner Chi
Longtime readers will remember that we’ve dabbled in the art of Yoga here at the Childsplayx2 household with various levels of success. I have yet to fully recover from my last Yoga session, but it hasn’t quite been a year so I’m thinking I’ll be healed enough to try again shortly. Swee’Pea, on the other hand, has been studying up on the metaphysical aspects of Yoga and has managed to find a balance of equal parts toddler and hippie chick.
Why in the past couple of weeks Swee’Pea has begun to add meditation into her daily routine. It’s not uncommon to find her off in a secluded corner channeling her Chi (When she’s not in a timeout, of course, then she’s just channeling her inner terrorist.).
Lately, she’s begun adding props. I think in the photos below she’s praying to the goddess of plastic fruit, thanking her for a bountiful harvest. And, yes, I realize I’m probably mixing my religious/metaphysical metaphors but my brain is fried and I just want to go to bed. Perhaps I should meditate a little before bed. It seems to work for Swee’Pea…